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5 Keys to Defining Culture for Manufacturing Companies

A lot of companies are working to define their culture. Create the story of who they are, why they exist and how their people matter – as individuals and a team. Interestingly, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Here are a few things to consider as you figure out your story.

Be Authentic. Stay true to who you are. Make sure you walk the talk.
Be Consistent. Once you define culture, make sure your messaging and activities stay in line with that definition.
Be Frequent. Make sure communication is fresh. Relevant to the individual inside the organization. Meaningful to those outside the company.
Be Collaborative. Engage your team. Let each individual contribute to defining what the company culture is. The mission. The vision. Work culture is shaped by interactions, attitudes, beliefs, traditions and values. Everyone should have a chance to craft the message.
Be Positive. Make sure everyone knows why culture is important. Make sure everyone knows why what they do makes a difference for themselves, each other, the company — and even the world.

by Cameron DeJong

One response to “5 Keys to Defining Culture for Manufacturing Companies”

  1. Dan says:

    Great start for manufacturing companies!

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